There are two islands called Diomede:
Little Diomede Island, also known as "Iŋaliq" in Iñupiaq language, is a small island in the Bering Strait, between Alaska, United States and Chukotka, Russia. It is only 2.4 miles (3.8 km) from the Russian island of Big Diomede, which is separated by the International Date Line. Little Diomede has a population of about 135 Inupiat people, who mainly rely on hunting and fishing for their livelihood. Big Diomede Island, also known as "Ratmanov Island" in Russian, is a larger island located in the middle of the Bering Strait, about 25 miles (40 km) from the coast of Chukotka, Russia. It is part of Russia and has a population of about 10 people, who are mainly military personnel stationed there.
- The two islands are separated by the International Date Line, so when it is Friday on Little Diomede, it is already Saturday on Big Diomede.
- The distance between the two islands is the shortest distance between Russia and the United States.
- Lisunov Li-2 On 13 June 1971 a Lisunov Li-2 belonging to the Soviet Border Troops crashed in the centre of the island.
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